The Open Letter of Apology To The World
From Doug Perry, Fellowship Of The
This book was written based on the responses to the original "Open Letter of Apology to the World." It has some very candid letters from readers, plus lots of information about just how messed up "church" is and why we need to do something about it. Everything else that you see in Doug's life in the last seven years has been an effort to be true to his promise in that original letter.
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The Dad Filter
From Doug Perry. This book describes one of the least talked about - and most important - issues facing Christians today. The enemy of our souls has set out to destroy Dads. Why? Because it's very hard to have a right relationship with Father God, when all you know about Dads is that they abandon you, beat you, abuse you, are never satisfied with anything you do - or worse.
How can we understand God for who He is when we keep putting Him in a box shaped like Earth Dad? Is that fair? Is God really like THAT guy? Do we really get to define the terms of this relationship? Shouldn't we let HIM teach us what kind of Dad He is - instead of us telling Him?
In this book, Doug talks about various case studies, including his own "Dad Filter" and how it got in the way of really hearing and obeying God.
To read the online e-book, click here: (Requires Adobe Acrobat or other program that will open a PDF file)
To order the paperback, click HERE.
Do It Yourself City Church Restoration
From Doug Perry. This book goes all the way to the foundation to discuss what "church" is even supposed to be and look like.
Click here to read online or download the PDF file here (Adobe Acrobat required):
To buy the paperback, click HERE.
Who Neutered The Holy Spirit?!
From Doug Perry. Did the Holy Spirit show up for the first time at Pentecost? What was the Holy Spirit doing in the Old Testament? Is the Holy Spirit still available to us today the same as in the time of the Apostles? This book blends lots of scriptural study with lots of personal experience from someone that grew up Southern Baptist and was trained not to believe in any of this stuff. We think this book will help break down some walls for many people.
Click here to read the book online or download the PDF file (requires Adobe Acrobat):
To buy the paperback, click HERE.
The Red Dragon: the horrifying truth about why the 'church' cannot seem to change
From Doug Perry. The Red Dragon is an essential book to read if you are trying to recover from being hurt by "church." You will need to understand what happened to you and why they did it. Hopefully this book will turn anger into mercy when you realize the scope and scale of the delusion that has been put on us by God for going our own way. A tremendously impactful book!
Read online or download the PDF file here (requires Adobe Acrobat):
To buy the paperback, click HERE.
Missionaries Are Human Too
This book was written in 1976 by Doug's mother, Nancy Perry, about their time in Mexico as missionaries. It is a very sweet, candid look at the life of a missionary in a foreign country - and has a surprising amout of self-revelation about hearing the voice of God (for a Baptist).
To download the PDF file, click here (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader):
To buy the paperback, click HERE.
Dialogues with God
From Doug Perry. The first half of this book is a series of transcripts of conversations with God. The second half of the book is a "Spiritual Tuneup" section about how to get unclogged, get your cup full and hear God better.
Click here to open the PDF file. (Adobe Acrobat required.)
To buy the paperback, click HERE.
Rain Right NOW, Lord!
From Doug Perry. This book is all about the Gifts of the Spirit, why they're still for today, why we need them and how to get more of them. This book is absolutely required if you want to see real revival. Some amazing revelation in this book - and it's not theory. Doug Perry has been walking this out for a long time and showing how absolutely REAL this stuff is and how it works really well.
Download the PDF file here (Adobe Acrobat required):
To buy the paperback, click HERE.
DEMONS?! You're kidding ... right?
Doug Perry goes through a very detailed study of all kinds of different demons, what they look like, where they hide, how to get them off - plus more about shields, cloaks, strategies, weapons and much more. Included in the book is the entire Red Dragon book, plus the Jezebel book.
There are a variety of videos on this site under Demonology that are taken from this book, but there is no full audio book at this time.
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To buy the paperback, click HERE.